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Given the strategic importance of the Teesside Flexible Regas Port project, it is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and will be assessed through an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) under the Planning Act of 2008. As part of the process to prepare this application, the project will perform extensive consultations to both present project development plans and gather input and information from local communities, local authorities and statutory consultees.

The objectives of consultation are to:

  • Raise awareness of the proposed Teesside Flexible Regas Port and provide the local community and other interested parties the opportunity to understand, comment on and influence the proposal;
  • Provide clear and concise information on the proposed Teesside Flexible Regas Port;
  • Help residents understand the potential nature and local impact of the proposed Teesside Flexible Regas Port;
  • Provide a range of opportunities for people to engage and provide comments and feedback; and
  • Allow Teesside Flexible Regas Port to take feedback into account in finalising the application for development consent prior to its submission.

The DCO application will include not only detailed project proposals, but it will also contain a consultation report that summarises feedback and how that has shaped project development activities.

It is anticipated that consultation will be undertaken in Spring 2024.