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Small footprint. Big impact.

The Teesside Flexible Regas Port (TFRP) will deliver a big energy impact with a small operational footprint. Capable of delivering up to 248.5 gigawatt hours per day of natural gas, the project will occupy a fixed site area of less than 3 hectares. With this efficient design the project can be delivered at a fraction of the cost of conventional land based and floating regasification projects, and in a fraction of the time.

The TFRP uses the latest in liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification technology for increased efficiency and safety while maintaining high reliability and stability for the UK energy grid. The project will use a closed system that does not use river or sea water to heat the LNG in the regasification process, resulting in a reduced environmental impact. In addition, the main operations of the plant are electric power with natural gas used only to heat the LNG to help reduce air emissions.

The TFRP site will contain a small amount of onshore buffer storage along with LNG regasification equipment, which will be connected to a dedicated marine jetty for the mooring and unloading of LNG carriers. Regasified LNG will be transported from the project site through a short segment of high-pressure natural gas pipeline, estimated to be less than 5 kilometers, for delivery into the UK’s National Transmission System (NTS). This streamlined and cost-effective design will allow for a rapid construction time of less than one year, with a planned commercial operation date of 2026.

Teesport was selected for the project given the port’s long history in energy infrastructure, which continues today with ongoing energy transition related initiatives in the carbon capture and storage and biogas sectors. In addition, deep water access within the port and extensive marine assets will provide the necessary support to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the project.

Energy security reinvented

The British Energy Security Strategy published in 2022 recognises the need for natural gas in the energy mix of the UK to provide stability and security of supply. The TFRP is designed as a demand-reactive project with both peaking and continuous sendout capabilities during times of increased need.

The TFRP supports the goals of the UK’s overarching National Policy Statement for Energy as it is capable of meeting peak gas needs, for example during the winter heating season. This provides overall stability for the UK energy market as it supplements energy supply, enabling the country to continue to prioritise integration of renewable sources in line with its Net Zero targets.

Enhancing the benefits of the project, the TFRP is designed to blend imported LNG with incoming North Sea natural gas flows.  The TFRP also has the ability to inject nitrogen into the gas stream.  The blending and nitrogen injection capabilities allow the delivery of LNG from most global suppliers providing broad market access, while still meeting the UK’s NTS specifications. The project’s unique design allows it to accommodate the majority of the global LNG shipping fleet and handle LNG supplies, providing enhanced flexibility for the UK.

Fast facts

Up to
248.5 GWh/d
of natural gas delivery

Accessible by
of the global LNG fleet

Site size
<3 hectares
for small

Target operation
for rapid time to market